
Soapstone Facts

Here's a collection of fast & fun soapstone facts.

  • In the olden days, soapstone was used for bed and foot warmers in sleighs and automobiles.
  • Soapstone is not slippery when wet.
  • Soapstone is a natural non stick surface.

Iceflower Soapstone

  • Soapstone Ridge in Dekalb Georgia was used by Archaic Period Indians of the Southeast (7000 B.C. -1000 B.C.) as a quarry site for soapstone bowls, tools and other items.
  • It is millions of years old.
  • The Hoysala Empire temples were made from soapstone.
  • Early Egyptians carved soapstone into scarabs and seals.

Soapstone Elk's Head Weapon at the National Museum of 

  • The National Museum of Finland retains an Elk’s Head Weapon from the Stone Age (7000 B.C. - 6000 B.C.).
  • A large soapstone turtle (approx. 3' x 5' x 8') welcomes you to The Cherokee County Historical Museum in North Carolina.
  • The Vikings brought items made of soapstone along wherever they went.
  • Canada's first production was in 1871 from a deposit in the Eastern Townships, Qué.
    Minerals Development In Canada
  • Soapstone deposits in Sharwan Abbottabad were first discovered in 1880.
  • During 1893, soapstone was sold in China for 1/2 a penny per pound.
  • In Bali, Divinities and demons are carved from soapstone to decorate homes and temples.
  • In Finland, amulets and images of gods were crafted out of soapstone.
  • In South Carolina, there is strong evidence suggesting vessels were crafted out of soapstone during the Late Archaic Period (3000 B.C.-500 B.C.).
    See www.nationalregister.sc.gov/MPS/MPS023.pdf
  • Soapstone smoking pipes have been found among Native American Indian artifacts.
  • Soapstone is usually quarried in open pit mines.
  • Canada is a minor producer of soapstone.

  • The famous 1,500 year old Dorset Eskimo quarry is located in the village of Fleur de Lys.
  • In China and India, soapstone was used for ornaments and domestic utensils.
  • Indians have used soapstone for ornaments and domestic utilities for the past 7500 years.
  • Soapstone was used in colonial New England for fireplace hearths, sinks, countertops, and wood stoves.
  • Today soapstone is used most often to produce decorative objects rather than functional objects.

Ice Flower Soapstone

  • Soapstone may also be referred to as shona stone in Africa.
  • Tint epoxy blue/black to make seams blend in better after you oil your stone.
  • Darken the color of a soapstone slab by increasing the hone level.
  • Applying mineral oil can change the surface color of the stone.
  • You can cut and finish soapstone with common wood and masonry tools.
  • Soapstone sheds micro organisms. Bill Russell, CEO - The Alberene Soapstone Co.
  • Soapstone is typically honed to a 320 grit finish.
  • Soapstone can retain heat without breaking.
  • Soapstone Facts: It can be chilled and retain the cold.
  • During World War II, talc was on the list of critical minerals.
  • Talc is a mineral while soapstone is a rock.
  • Pure talc consists of the elements Magnesium, Silicon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
  • The mineral composition of talc varies considerably due to impurities.
  • Soapstone consist mainly of the mineral talc and contains varying parts of other minerals: chlorite, mica, tremolite quartz, magnetite or iron compounds.
  • Talc is found exclusively in metamorphic rocks.
  • Talc is the softest mineral on Mohs scale of hardness.

Unoiled Soapstone Counter

  • Soapstone is either massive or flaky depending on the talc and chlorite content.
  • Natural talc is white, yellow, gray, pale green or pale blue and soft.
  • Chlorite is a group of rock forming minerals which are soft and usually green. They can also be white, yellow, red, lavender or black.
  • Serpentine is a group of rock forming minerals while Serpentinite is a rock.
  • Some companies market 'serpentine' as a harder soapstone.
  • Soapstone is softer than a fingernail. Serpentinite is harder than a fingernail.
  • In the Viking era, soapstone was a main export from Scandinavia for cooking pots and lamps.
  • In Pakistan, it was recently estimated that five mined deposits contained more than 2000 billion tons of soapstone.
  • Fissures may seem more noticeable in soapstone when compared to other natural stones.
  • Supports are recommended for areas where your stone will have an overhang of ten inches or more.
  • In Norway, soapstone was considered a valuable commodity because the quarries were often referred to as silver mines.
  • The Piggasen soapstone quarry was used before, during and after the Viking Age.
  • Soapstone is safe to use in your oven. This is a soapstone fact!
  • Soapstone artifacts were recently discovered in South Carolina at a depth of 80 cm below the grounds surface. See www.nationalregister.sc.gov/MPS/MPS023.pdf
  • Soapstone is among the most indestructible and lasting rocks.


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Soapstone With Slate Backsplash Soapstone Sink Soapstone Countertop Soapstone

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