
Marble Polishing Powder & Etches

Repairing Stone

Etches are dull spots or rings on your stone and marble polishing powder is used to repair them. This powder is a mixture of abrasives which turns into a paste like substance when mixed with water. Most of these polishing powders are only available to the stone professionals.

Many marbles, limestone and even travertine readily etch. The calcite in these stones DO NOT like acidic substances. Thankfully, the majority of granites rarely etch.

Marble Polishing Powder and Etches

Here are some things that might etch your stone:

  • Cleaning Products
  • Cola Products
  • Ketchup
  • Lemons
  • Orange Juice
  • Vinegar

As soon as these acidic liquids come into contact with your stone, they start EATING away the surface of your stone. It becomes dull and sometimes EVEN rough feeling!

Some people mistake etches for stains and others mistake stains for etches! It's important to know whether your stone is STAINED or if it's ETCHED!

WHY? Stain removal procedures will NOT REPAIR ETCHES. Etch repair techniques will NOT REMOVE STAINS. You'll waste your time & your money on procedures that DON'T WORK!

  1. Stains are REMOVED. A poultice is used to suck the stain up and out of your stone.

  2. Etches are REPAIRED. A polishing powder is used to polish away that dull spot or ring!

How do you tell the difference?

  • A STAIN is always DARKER than the surrounding stone.

  • An ETCH is always LIGHTER than the surrounding stone.

Also, the stained area of a stone will still be SHINY or match the 'gloss' (or not so glossy) of the surrounding area whereas an etch is visibly DULLER than the surrounding stone.

Some materials will just etch your stone while other products or materials will stain and etch. If your stone is stained and etched, remove the stain first. Why? Some stain removal processes can and will etch your stone.

Once the stain is removed, light to medium etches can be removed with a little marble polishing powder. Use a user friendly polishing powder such as the one in this marble repair kit. It's a professional grade product that's easy to use.

Deep etches require resurfacing by a stone professional.

How do you know if it's a deep etch? Run your hand across the etched area. How does it feel compared to the undamaged stone? If it's smooth or relatively smooth, use the kit. If your stone feels really rough, hire a stone pro.

How Do You Avoid Etch Marks?

  • Wipe up spills ASAP.

  • Use coasters under glasses.

  • Use place mats under plates.

  • Use cleaners made specifically for stone such as these stone friendly ones.

Remove Etch Marks


You'll find care & repair tips on:

Care For Granite Etch Marks Etched Marble Black Granite Stains

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