

Himalayan Blue Granite

Blue Granite

Himalayan Blue Granite is quarried in Raichur District in India. It's used as a construction stone and as an ornamental stone for interiors and exteriors. Himalaya, also called Himalaya Original, is identical to Himalayan Blue except for the red-violet cloud decoration.

This natural stone has a wavy grayish background and varies widely in texture. To get an impression of this stone, make sure to view a whole slab or a finished project.

* Himalayan Blue Granite

Interesting Fact: The main minerals in Raichur District are Gold, Copper, Iron, Feldspar, Granite, Sandstone, Quartz, and Limestone.

COUNTRY: INDIA - Karnataka
COLOR: Gray-black with pink to pink-gray decoration.
HARDNESS: 6.5 Moh's Scale
ALSO CALLED: Himalaian Blue, Himalaya Blue, Himalaya Blau, Himilaya Blue, Himilayan Blu, Hymalaian Blue, Hymalaya Blue
SIMILAR STONES: Himalaya, Himalaya Original, (partially) Multicolor Red, Lieto Red, Vanga Red


  • US and Chinese Markets: Granite
  • European Standard: Migmatite

USES INCLUDE: Countertops, Flooring, Table Tops, Vanities, Monuments

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*Himalayan Blue Granite is a natural material so slight variations should be expected. View your stone before purchasing. The technical data provided is submitted in good faith and provided from what we feel are reliable sources. Natural Stone Interiors assumes no responsibility for any of the technical data enclosed.

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